Monday, February 15, 2010

Strategic Plan Performance Measures

Visit the NAU PAIR's website to review the most up-to date performance measures. Developing a meaningful set of progress indicators is an ongoing task and your comments are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2010 Strategic Plan Revision

Every 2-3 years the university strategic plan undergoes a thorough review. The Strategic Planning and Budget Council has already reviewed and revised the most recent, published strategic plan from 2007. The many standing committees, taskforces, and other established groups at NAU have also had an opportunity to weigh in on the 2010 draft put together by the SPBC. To complete the revision process and craft a well-rounded plan, it is important that individual faculty and staff members as well as students voice their opinions and provide directions.

The university-level strategic plan provides a map for divisional planning. Some of the statements may seem vague but the plan is intended to be more directional than prescriptive. This allows the divisions and the units within the divisions to identify the most appropriate strategies that contribute to the university goals.

Please comment on individual goals either on this blog or use this survey-like online form. More information about the strategic planning efforts, including strategic plan performance measures are available on the university strategic planning pages.